⚔️🦉Gnosis Chain Weekly · 02 January 2024

Happy New Year to our incredible community! We are extremely excited for 2024. Web3 payments will go mainstream this year and we're laser focused on making Gnosis the best payment network available. Dr. Friederike Ernst, Co-Founder of Gnosis and Gnosis Pay, explained the real-world value proposition of Gnosis Pay in an exclusive interview with the Metaverse Post:

“We often forget that while payments work well for users in the global north, the same can not always be said for the global south. More than 40% of adults in developing nations are not using digital payments. By using efficient Web3 rails, we can help close this gap, ensure financial agency, and enable participation in market economies,” explained Gnosis’ Dr. Friederike Ernst.

Improved UX is a key piece to user adoption and 2024 will be the year that seed phrases finally become a thing of the past. Dr. Ernst also expressed that account abstraction will become widely adopted this year in a recent article featured in CoinDesk.

"The idea that the safety of assets meant having 12 words that you can never lose, but no one else can ever access, is outdated and to a large extent has been holding back progress for actual user adoption. As such, blockchain is in a position to deliver on the promise of inclusive finance that’s been so central to our values since the beginning.” Dr. Friederike Ernst, Co-Founder of Gnosis and Gnosis Pay

Check out more predictions for the year below. Let's jump into this weeks update!


💳 Gnosis Pay 2024 Updates

Wen Gnosis Cards? Gnosis Pay CEO, Marcos Nunes, recently talked about the launch of the Gnosis Card along with other updates. Check out the recording and a number of predictions from the team below.

🔏 Safe 2023 Year in Review

The Safe team published their Year in Review detailing all of their huge accomplishments. We're proud of the Safe team and excited for the year ahead!

🔌 Spark Protocol x Gnosis Chain

Spark is a decentralised non-custodial liquidity market protocol where users can participate as suppliers or borrowers. It is the DAI centric money market protocol. Combining the best liquidity directly from Maker and vertically integrating with best DeFi protocol. Spark is live on Gnosis!

🌲The Dark Forest is BACK

Dark Forest is the world's first decentralized real-time strategy game. Formed in May 2021, dfdao aims to improve Dark Forest gameplay by pooling community resources. They recently decided to re-deploy on Gnosis and launched the Dark Forest Arena. Click below to learn how to play with your xDai!

🕵️ HOPR Treasury Goes Fully Onchain

The HOPR protocol provides full control over privacy, data and metadata. HOPR lays the groundwork for a more sovereign and safe internet. HOPR recently moved their entire treasury on Gnosis!

🗄️ Fileverse Digital Garden

Using a Safe wallet on Gnosis, Fileverse allows anyone to store multimedia files and data completely onchain, permanently!

🌾 SEEDLatam Announces Participation in Gnosis Governance

SEEDLatam promotes critical thinking about Web3 through education, community and governance participation in order to generate a positive impact in the Latin American region. SEED recently announced that a group of community members will actively participate in GnosisDAO governance.

🧑🏾‍💻 Gnosis Chain Core Devs Call

The weekly Core Devs Call took place this week ~ the recording of the call is linked below!

🤖 Gnosis AI

🦾 Brian Joins GnosisAI Monthly Event

Built on top of Brian API, the Brian App offers a user interface for performing transactions in a non-custodial way, researching web3 info, and deploying smart contracts by prompt. The Brian team will run a product demo on the Gnosis Chain Discord on the 3rd of January, 2024 at 4PM UTC. See you there!

Learn more about Brian with this informative post about how to deploy a token on Gnosis Chain in just 90 seconds!

⛯ Origin Trail x Gnosis Chain

The rise of AI creates unprecedented opportunities for progress but also amplifies the challenge of misinformation. OriginTrail drives discoverability and ensures origin of information to fight it. Origin Trail announced introduction of multichain support on their testnet, starting with Gnosis Chain.

🙏 Thank you

Come say, hello in the Gnosis Chain Discord! Join us for the next GnosisDAO Community Call on Thursday January 11 , 2024 with Althea at 4PM UTC / 5PM CET on the GnosisDAO Twitter Spaces.

See you onchain!