⚔️🦉Gnosis Chain Weekly · 09 January 2024

How It Started... How It's Going

In a recent interview Stefan George, Gnosis Co-founder and CTO, talked about the early days of Gnosis, how Safe was developed and what's on the horizon for Gnosis Pay.

When Gnosis was founded in 2015, the team set out to build prediction markets powered by collective intelligence. The markets, built onchain, would rely on the trustless nature of the core protocol to incentivize participation in peer-to-peer networks and establish a single source of truth. In creating these prediction markets, it became clear that Gnosis first needed to build the infrastructure required to support them. Gnosis pivoted from its initial vision and began developing the infrastructure that would support the rise of Ethereum. 

Today, the Gnosis ecosystem has grown into five interoperable product lines that allow users to securely create, trade, govern, hold, and stake on Ethereum. This makes Gnosis the first product-driven ecosystem that enables protocol developers and communities to build their own networks. The ecosystem is governed through GnosisDAO, with voting power distributed amongst GNO token.

The Gnosis product suite includes:

💳  Gnosis Pay

Gnosis Pay is the first Decentralized Payment Network (DPN), removing the barriers between traditional finance and decentralized finance (DeFi).

🔏 Safe 

A decentralized custody protocol for managing digital assets. On Safe, developers can build multisig-optimized dApps or smart contract wallets.

🐮 Cow 

MEV protected trading on Ethereum, Goerli and Gnosis Chain. Trade on CoW Swap from a smart contract wallet or interact with CoW Protocol directly via API and smart contract.

⛓️ Gnosis Chain

A complement to Ethereum mainnet, Gnosis Chain is a Layer 1 (L1) that provides a more efficient environment for developers to experiment. Low costs (paid for in xDAI) and fast transactions make Gnosis Chain an ideal environment for developers to build, experiment and deploy new protocols.

💫 Zodiac 

A set of composable DAO tools that integrate directly with the Safe interface. Developers can build their own Zodiac modules to enhance existing practices in the DAO ecosystem and help shape its future development.

Check out the Gnosis Ecosystem Report put together by Mesh last year for a comprehensive deep dive! Let's jump into this weeks update!


🐮 CowSwap TWAP

CowSwap released their TWAP feature late last year. The Time Weighted Average Price (TWAP) allows users to dollar cost average in and out of positions. CowSwap is the only DEX out there that offers the TWAP feature!

👩🏽‍🎓 The Soft Composability Thesis

Community member ilemi shared their concept of 'Soft Composability', a new era of Ethereum. In this new ear not everything needs to be immutably connected onchain - it’s okay to rely on the inherent trust layer within a community to operate and iterate. ilemi uses Gnosis Chain's Omnibridge and its zk-light client as a prime example in which a half-proof half-human multisigs secure a bridge. To learn more about ilemi's thoughts, check out their informative thread.

🏋🏽‍♀️ Erigon's New Dencun Gorli Release

Erigon is set to release an update ahead of the Dencun upgrade for the Gorli testnet. The release also ensures that Gnosis Chain will perform the Dencun upgrade on Chiado, the networks own testnet.

💪 Nethermind 2023 Recap

From Shapella to multiple integrations, Nethermind had an incredible year with tons of highlights. Check out their Year in Review to learn more.

🌲 Dark Forest Arena x Gnosis Chain

That's right, Dark Forest returns to Gnosis Chain. Need we say more? If you know, you know. Dark Forest speaks for itself. If you don't know, you're in luck! The dfdao has been publishing content about the origins of Dark Forest, its connection with xDai and why they're returning to Gnosis Chain.

🎱 PowerPool's PowerAgent V2 on Gnosis Chain

The PowerPool’s automation network — PowerAgent v2 is live on Gnosis Chain! Powerpool is working to accelerate the adoption of automated Web3 with their latest release of the PowerAgentV2. Check out their blog post and start automating anything from limit orders on a DEX to customizing your latest yield strategy.

🕵️‍♀️ HOPR Update

The HOPR protocol provides an alternative infrastructure on top of the Internet that makes metadata surveillance impossible. The HOPR network, a decentralised, peer-to-peer network that is managed by its users, keeps HOPR independent and free from the infuence of a central entity. HOPR runs on Gnosis Chain and they've put up some impressive stats with over 804 HOPR Safe's deployed on Gnosis Chain.

💸 Curve Finance x Gnosis Chain

Curve Finance is a decentralised finance (DeFi) protocol that enables the decentralised exchange (DEX) of stablecoins on Gnosis Chain. Their latest xDAI/crvUSD is live on Gnosis Chain.

🗞️ GetBlock's Gnosis Chain Guide

GetBlock developer tools and valuable insights guarantee a simple and reliable API access to multiple blockchains including Gnosis Chain. This week GetBlock released a deep dive on Gnosis Chain. Check it out!

📆 Monthly Validator Recap

Calling all node runners and home stakers! The latest Monthly Validator Recap is out, which includes a Year in Review.

🧑🏾‍💻 Gnosis Chain Core Devs Call

The weekly Core Devs Call took place this week ~ the recording of the call is linked below!

🤖 Gnosis AI

🦾 BrianKnowsAI

BrianKnowsAI is a non-custodial AI assistant for performing transactions by prompts. The team recently joined the Gnosis AI call to showcase their exciting AI products on Gnosis Chain. Check out the recording below.

🧑🏾‍💻⛓️Events & Hackathons

🏢 Gnosis Chain Dev Office Hours

Dev Office Hours are here and they take place biweekly on the Gnosis Chain Discord. Are you a developer building on Gnosis Chain? Come demo your work or troubleshoot questions with our Devrel team. The next session is on January 10th at 4PM UTC on the Gnosis Chain Discord.

🦉 GnosisDAO Community Call w/ Althea

Join us for the next GnosisDAO community call with Althea, the payment layer
powering infrastructure and connectivity. Get up to date on ecosystem developers and why Althea is such an exciting project on Gnosis Chain.

🏁🦉Gnosis Chain Hackathon w Joke Race

Joke Race is the best way for communities to make, execute, and reward decisions. Hack on a new tool or application on Gnosis Chain. This is your chance to become a Gnosis OG and join our storied history!

The hackathon runs for 4 weeks (08/01/2024 - 05/02/2024)

1st Place: 2 GNO
2nd Place: 1 GNO
3rd Place: 0.5 GNO

Anyone can submit a project via jokerace.xyz!

💿 Validator Meetup #12

Once a month on the Gnosis Chain Discord, the validator community gets to troubleshoot issues with their hardware and connect with each other. Next week we'll talk about the Dencun upgrade and how to prepare. Join us on January 18th, 2024 at 4PM UTC on the Gnosis Chain Discord.

🤠 Gnosis Chain en Español

The Gnosis Chain Spanish community will meet on the Gnosis Chain Discord on January 17th, 2024 at 2PM UTC! Come stop by and say, hola!

🙏 Thank you

Come say, hello in the Gnosis Chain Discord! Join us for the next GnosisDAO Community Call on Thursday January 11 , 2024 with Althea at 4PM UTC / 5PM CET on the GnosisDAO Twitter Spaces.

See you onchain!